Navjot Pal Kaur’s: “Navjot for NY” Campaign

Navjot for NY is a congressional campaign being led by Navjot Pal Kaur in an effort to be a political advocate for her community. Together we created the complete campaign identity and deliverables to back Navjot’s efforts.


Navjot provided me with the vision for her campaign identity. She expressed that her hair is a significant part of her branding, and she would like to see that represented visually in her logo, but would also like to see some sort of connection to NY state. She wanted her color palette to feel politically affiliated but also have a unique and light, soft feel.


Since Navjot, didn’t express wanting to have her face specifically featured in the logo, why not create an illustrated logo with her hair, and have her face be framed by the outline of NY state. A clever way to incorporate both of her interests.

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